Learn how to find and exploit 0-days, and profit from the best bugs

MCSI Certification

MVRE - Certified Vulnerability Researcher and Exploitation Specialist

Vulnerability research is the process of identifying and studying security vulnerabilities in computer systems or software, with the goal of improving security. This may include finding and analyzing publicly disclosed vulnerabilities, as well as researching and developing exploits for previously unknown vulnerabilities.

The market for software vulnerabilities is booming and there is a high demand for individuals with the skills to discover and exploit security holes in software. These skills are in high demand by companies and governments who are willing to pay top dollar for information on security vulnerabilities.

Many students who take our course develop skills that allows them to generate a new stream of income by selling zero-days of Vulnerability Disclosure Programs. A zero-day is a security vulnerability that has not been publicly disclosed. Selling a zero-day can be very profitable, as the person who discovers the vulnerability can be the only one who knows how to exploit it.

An MCSI qualified professional Vulnerability Researcher and Exploitation Specialist is well-equipped to identify software vulnerabilities using techniques such as fuzzing harnesses, code analysis tools, and manual review. Furthermore, they can also write fully-fledged exploits that bypass mitigations deployed from Windows XP to Windows 10.

Intermediate Level MCSI Certification Advanced
ic-certificate Certification
ic-clock 600+ hours
cpe-points 225
ic-money $450
No Expiry, No Renewals

Course Overview

You will learn tried-and-true tools and techniques for discovering zero-day vulnerabilities in this course. The topics addressed range from fuzzing browsers to creating fuzzing harnesses. Additionally, you will be required to create exploits that bypass modern exploit protections. Once certified, you'll be able to find bugs that can be sold.

"Cybersecurity experts can be divided into two groups: those who can discover zero-day vulnerabilities and those who can't."

A zero-day market is a market where vulnerabilities are bought and sold. These vulnerabilities are called "zero-day" because they are not known to the public and have not been patched. Vendors often release patches for known vulnerabilities, but because zero-day vulnerabilities are unknown, there is no patch available.

Zero day vulnerabilities are extremely valuable because they have not been discovered by anyone else. This means that the person who discovers and sells the vulnerability has a unique advantage over everyone else in the world. They are typically sold to government or corporate entities for a large sum of money. The amount that can be earned by selling these exploits is astronomical. It can range from a few thousand dollars to as much as seven figures.

In order to discover zero day vulnerabilities, you need a deep understanding of computer systems, operating systems, network protocols, and application programming interfaces. You also need to be able to reverse engineer software applications and firmware in order to find security flaws.

The MVRE certification program is designed to teach students how to find and exploit vulnerabilities in software applications. Specifically, our course will equip you with the skillset necessary to carry out the following tasks:

  • Identify and select high-value targets for vulnerability research
  • Perform Attack Surface Identification and establish key focus areas for vulnerability research
  • Employ research techniques such as fuzzing harnesses, patching diffing and OSINT research
  • Triage crashes and identify the best bugs to spend energy and time exploiting
  • Bypass modern exploit mitigations on Windows 11
  • Develop and weaponize N-Days and Zero-Days

This Certification focuses 100% on teaching vulnerability research and exploitation techniques for the Windows operating system. Nonetheless, all the knowledge and tradecraft learnt can be applied on other operating systems such as Unix, OSX, and iOS.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities You Will Acquire

MCSI is one of the most respected and trusted names in cyber security education and training. Our certifications teach critical skills, knowledge and abilities needed to advance a career in cyber security. Our courses are comprehensive and up-to-date, and our instructors are experienced professionals who are dedicated to helping students learn. MCSI provides the real-world skills and knowledge you need to protect any organization from cyber threats.

  • Fundamental theory and concepts to successfully perform vulnerability research and exploitation

    Static Analysis

    Static analysis is the process of analyzing a program without actually running it. This can be done by examining the code or by extracting information from a compiled program. Static analysis is used in vulnerability research to find security vulnerabilities in programs.

    Dynamic Analysis

    Dynamic analysis is the process of examining a running system to find vulnerabilities. This can be done manually, by observing the system's behavior and looking for potential exploits, or automatically, by running tests against the system and looking for results that may indicate a vulnerability. Dynamic analysis is often used in conjunction with static analysis.

    Attack Surface Identification

    Attack surface identification is the process of finding and cataloging every potential way software can be attacked. This includes identifying every system component and service, as well as understanding how each of those components and services interacts with one another.

    Fuzzing Harnesses

    A fuzzing harness is a software tool used for automated testing of software. It is a collection of scripts that allow you to run a variety of tests against a target program or application. A fuzzing harness can help you identify security vulnerabilities in your software.

    Stack Overflow Vulnerabilities

    A stack overflow exception is an error that can occur in computer programming when the program attempts to allocate memory on the call stack beyond what is allocated statically or allocated dynamically.

    Heap Overflow Vulnerabilities

    A heap overflow is an exploit in which user-supplied data is written past the end of an allocated memory buffer, typically affecting the program's control flow or data.

    Use-after-Free Vulnerabilities

    A use-after-free vulnerability is a type of software vulnerability that occurs when a program or process attempts to use a memory address after it has been freed by the operating system.

    Race Condition Vulnerabilities

    Race conditions are situations in which the result of a computation is dependent on the order in which two or more operations are performed. This can create opportunities for exploits if the order of operations can be controlled by an attacker.


    Triaging is the process of sorting and prioritizing vulnerabilities according to their severity. Triaging is the process of sorting and prioritizing vulnerabilities according to their severity. The goal is to determine which bugs are exploitable and which ones are the easiest to exploit.

  • How to use industry vulnerability research tools to discovery security bugs


    Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) suite developed and maintained by the National Security Agency (NSA). It is used by security professionals and researchers to analyze malicious code, identify vulnerabilities, and develop countermeasures.


    Dharma is a fuzzing library that can be used to fuzz web browsers. It can be used to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in web browsers. Dharma is written in Python and is based on the AddressSanitizer and Shadow DOM libraries.


    Bindiff is a tool used to compare binary files. It can be used to find vulnerabilities in software. Bindiff can compare two files and show the differences between them thereby allowing vulnerability researchers to identify where and how a security patch was applied.


    DynamoRio is a security scanner that uses symbolic execution to identify vulnerabilities in software. It is able to identify vulnerabilities in software by exploring the possible paths that a program could take, and then checking to see if any of these paths could result in a security breach. This makes DynamoRio an extremely effective tool for finding security bugs.


    WinAFL is a fuzzing tool used to find vulnerabilities in software. It can be used to fuzz executables, shared libraries, DLLs, and drivers. WinAFL is based on the AFL fuzzing engine.


    WinDBG is a Microsoft Windows debugger. It is used to find vulnerabilities in software by locating memory leaks and incorrect code functionality. It can also be used to manually investigate software crashes.


    Qiling is an advanced binary emulation framework. It can be used to emulate a range of architectures, including x86 and arm.


    Procmon is a Windows utility that helps identify and fix software vulnerabilities. It does this by monitoring system activity and providing a detailed report of all processes and tasks running on the system. This information can be used to find and fix vulnerabilities, as well as to troubleshoot issues with software.


    RPCView is used to identify remote procedure calls (RPCs) in software and determine what functions are called and what data is sent. This information can be used to find vulnerabilities in software.

    Process Hacker

    Process Hacker provides a user-friendly graphical interface for displaying information about running processes, their threads, modules, privileges, handles, and more. This information can be used to identify potential security vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in software applications.


    WinObjEx is a Windows utility that allows users to explore the internals of the Windows operating system. It can be used to find vulnerabilities in software by allowing users to view and modify system objects.


    OleViewDotNet is a free tool that enables researchers to view and analyze OLE 2.0 and COM objects. By using OleViewDotNet, researchers can quickly identify potential security issues in applications. The tool provides an intuitive user interface that makes it easy to explore the inner workings of OLE objects.


    NtObjectManager allows you to manipulate objects and their properties in the Windows operating system. This can be used to find vulnerabilities in software that may not be otherwise detectable.

  • How to bypass exploit mitigations

    Exploit mitigations are software measures that are taken to protect a program from exploitation. They work by preventing or limiting the ability of an attacker to exploit a vulnerability. There are a variety of different mitigations that can be used, and they can be used independently or in combination.

    Stack Cookies

    Stack cookies are a security feature used by some software development frameworks to protect software from stack-based buffer overflow attacks. A stack cookie is a small amount of data that is included in every packet of data sent from the server to the client. The client compares the stack cookie to the data in the packet to ensure that the data has not been manipulated by an attacker.


    DEP, or Data Execution Prevention, is a security feature that is built into modern processors. It works by preventing code from being executed from memory regions that are not intended for execution, such as the stack or the heap.


    ASLR is a technique used by operating systems to randomize the memory addresses used by programs, making it more difficult for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities in those programs. This helps protect software from exploitation, since attackers can't predict where they will find program code or data in memory.


    CFG is a security feature that was introduced in the C programming language. It is a mechanism that helps to protect software against exploitation by protecting the memory locations that are used by the program. CFG makes it more difficult for an attacker to execute arbitrary code or access sensitive data.


    KASLR, or kernel address space layout randomization, is a security feature that randomizes the location of the kernel in memory. This makes it difficult for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities in the kernel, as they must guess the location of the kernel in order to exploit it. KASLR is available on most modern operating systems, including iOS and Android.


    SMEP is a security feature that was added to processors. SMEP protects software from exploitation by preventing code from running in user space from executing in supervisor mode. In supervisor mode, code has unrestricted access to all memory resources, including those belonging to other processes.

  • How to triage software crashes to identify the bugs that are related to security

    Triage is the process of sorting and prioritizing issues found in software. Security bugs are a high priority, so triaging is an essential part of finding and fixing them. This course teaches you the top tools to triage bugs.

    Doctor Memory

    Doctor Memory is a tool used to triage security bugs. It helps to identify and prioritize the severity of a security vulnerability. This tool is beneficial in helping to focus on the most critical security bugs.


    ASAN, or AddressSanitizer, is a tool used to help triage security bugs. ASAN is a memory error detector that can help identify out-of-bounds accesses and use-after-free errors.

    Driver Verifier

    Driver Verifier monitors Windows kernel-mode drivers and graphics drivers to detect illegal function calls or actions that might corrupt the system. Driver Verifier can subject Windows drivers to a variety of stresses and tests to find improper behavior. You can configure which tests to run, which allows you to put a driver through heavy stress loads or through more streamlined testing. You can also run Driver Verifier on multiple drivers simultaneously, or on one driver at a time.

    Root Cause Analysis

    Root cause analysis is a problem solving technique that is used to identify the underlying cause of a problem. The technique involves identifying potential causes of the problem and then systematically eliminating them until the root cause is identified.

  • How to augment your vulnerability skills with OSINT research

    OSINT research can complement vulnerability research in a few ways. OSINT can help identify potential targets for vulnerability research, as well as providing information on the systems and applications in use. Additionally, OSINT can help identify publicly disclosed vulnerabilities that may be applicable to the targets identified.

    Identifying high-value targets

    OSINT is a process of gathering intelligence from publicly available sources. It can be used to identify software targets for vulnerability research by gathering information about the software's public interfaces, how they are used, and by whom. This information can help identify potential vulnerabilities in the software that may not be obvious from the source code alone.

    Profiling developers

    By analyzing data available online, OSINT can provide insights into a developer's cybersecurity skills and experience. For vulnerability research, this may be helpful for identifying potential vulnerabilities they have a tendency to create.

    Discovering vulnerability patterns

    As a researcher, you can employ Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) to find patterns in vulnerabilities that may affect a particular software. Doing so will help you focus on specific bugs that are more likely to exist in your target software.

  • Advanced exploitation and weaponization techniques

    If you're looking to advance your training knowledge and skills, this course is perfect for you. We'll be covering a lot of advanced exercises that will help you take your training to the next level.

    Integrating exploits into Metasploit

    There are many exploits available for Metasploit. Some are publicly available, and others are kept hidden by the bad guys. But How do you get exploits into Metasploit? In this course, you will learn how to add exploits to Metasploit so you can use them in your penetration tests or sell them in an exploit pack.

    Developing target validation capabilities

    There are many different techniques that can be used to improve a malware framework. One way is to develop target validation capabilities to ensure that the wrong computer doesn't get targeted with a cyber-attack. This can be done by identifying specific characteristics of the intended target and verifying that the system matches them.

    Identifying vulnerabilities using patch diffing

    A patch diff is a security tool that helps you identify the vulnerabilities in a program by comparing the patched files with the original files. It helps you see the differences in the code that might have been introduced by the patch and allows you to discover code changes that may have introduced new vulnerabilities.

    Writing N-Day exploits

    An n-day exploit is an exploit that takes advantage of a known vulnerability but for which they are no publicly available exploits. N-day exploits are very useful to attackers because they can be used to target systems that have not been updated with the latest security patches.

    Writing N-Day exploits

    Taint analysis is the process of identifying and tracking the origin of data in a program as it flows through the system. This information can be used to identify potential security vulnerabilities and to find ways to exploit them.

  • Find vulnerability and write exploit in multiple software targets

    Network services

    Network services are a key target in vulnerability research because they are a fundamental part of most organizations and can provide a gateway to critical systems. Attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in network services to gain access to data and systems, steal information, or disrupt business operations.

    Desktop applications

    Desktop applications are a key target in vulnerability research because they are typically installed on users' computers and in some cases have access to more sensitive data than web applications.


    Browser security is always a hot topic, and for good reason. Browsers have a huge attack surface that makes them the perfect avenue to compromise personal devices, whether it's to steal information or install malware.

    Anti-virus software

    Just as we rely on anti-virus software to protect our devices and data, attackers rely on vulnerabilities in anti-virus software to achieve their goals. Anti-virus software is a key target for vulnerability research, as they are complex and often contain security vulnerabilities.

  • Write vulnerability research notes

    It is critical to take notes while conducting vulnerability study for several reasons. To begin with, taking notes might assist you in keeping track of what you have already researched as well as what you still need to research. Second, while drafting a report on your results, your notes might be a great resource. Finally, taking notes might assist you in remembering critical data about a vulnerability that you may need to refer to later. Some things to note while performing vulnerability analysis could include:

    Vulnerability overview

    Technical Details

    Tools used


    Important code snippets

    Reproduction steps


    Impact assessment

    Test cases

  • Write vulnerability reports

    A vulnerability report is a document that identifies, tracks, and manages deficiencies in an information system. They are produced by security analysts during penetration tests, and can also be created internally by auditors or system administrators. Vulnerability reports are an essential part of an organization's security posture, and should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis. A good vulnerability report will contain a detailed description of such things as:

    Software information

    This will include such items as vendor name, target product, or affected versions.

    Contextual information

    Purpose of the product and supported architecture are reported on here.

    Vulnerability information

    Vulnerability information will often contain a detailed description of the vulnerability and steps on how to reproduce the vulnerability.

    Exploitation information

    A core fundamental to the report is to explain the exploitation primitives, steps to exploit the vulnerability, any mitigation's bypassed and the reliability of the exploit.

    Remediation advice

    Finally, recommendations are made to remediate current and future vulnerabilities.

Career Outcomes

This certification thoroughly prepares you for the following roles:

  • Vulnerability Researcher
  • Senior Penetration Tester
  • Senior Red Teamer
Certification Detail

MCSI certifications are highly respected and sought-after credentials in the industry. Earning an MCSI certification is a testament to your knowledge and skillset, and demonstrates your commitment to excellence. The content is cutting-edge, uniquely-designed, and hands-on. Our exercises teach in-demand skills that are immediately applicable in the field.

The certifications are valid indefinitely and do not require any renewal fees. The training is accessible without any time limits.


Training Modules

This course provides you with multiple training modules, each of which is designed to teach you practical skills that can help you solve important cyber problems. Each module offers exercises that will help you build your skills and capabilities.

  • MVRE-QS-01: Quickstarter: Windows Local Privilege Escalation Bugs - 2 exercises
  • MVRE-QS-02: Quickstarter: Fuzzing browsers with Dharma - 8 exercises
  • MVRE-QS-03: Quickstarter: Fuzzing binaries with WinAFL - 6 exercises
  • MVRE-001: Lab Setup - 6 exercises
  • MVRE-002: Key Concepts - 4 exercises
  • MVRE-003: Documentation - 5 exercises
  • MVRE-004: Learning Ghidra - 8 exercises
  • MVRE-101: Attack Surface Identification - 12 exercises
  • MVRE-102: Static Analysis - 7 exercises
  • MVRE-103: Dynamic Analysis - 6 exercises
  • MVRE-104: Corpus Generation - 4 exercises
  • MVRE-105: Fuzzing Harnesses - 6 exercises
  • MVRE-106: Harness Optimization Techniques - 5 exercises
  • MVRE-107: Vulnerability Exploitation - 10 exercises
  • MVRE-201: Bypassing Mitigations - 11 exercises
  • MVRE-202: Triaging - 3 exercises
  • MVRE-203: Code Logic Vulnerabilities - 5 exercises
  • MVRE-204: Race Condition Vulnerabilities - 2 exercises
  • MVRE-205: weaponization - 4 exercises
  • MVRE-301: Patching Diffing - 3 exercises
  • MVRE-302: Advanced Browser Fuzzing and Exploitation - 4 exercises
  • MVRE-303: OSINT Research - 4 exercises
  • MVRE-304: Reporting Vulnerabilities - 3 exercises


Cyber professionals must be ready for everything. The typical security training strategy, which focuses on individual skills and tools, is insufficient. You must be able to operate as part of a team, see the big picture, and respond swiftly and effectively to unforeseen circumstances. That's why, as part of our training, we use replays of whole cyber missions. Our scenarios help you prepare for the demands of the job and give you confidence in your ability to work professionally.

  • MVRE-SC-01: Operation Industrial Delta - 10 exercises
  • MVRE-SC-02: Operation Black Panther - 8 exercises
  • MVRE-SC-03: Real-World Vulnerability Research Challenges - 6 exercises

Enroll now with lifetime access for $450


MCSI Industry Certifications are important for you to earn because they signify that you have the skills required to work in a cybersecurity. Certificates of Completion are also important to earn because they signify that you have completed an exercise. Earning Certificates of Completion and Industry Certifications demonstrates that you are willing to put in the extra work to be successful.




Obtain CPE points by solving exercises


Achieve multiple certifications


Receive help from instructors online

MCSI's MVRE certification provides you with the required skills and knowledge aligned to the Australian Signals Directorate's Cyber Skills Framework . Upon reaching each level, you will earn a certificate of achievement. Click here to learn more about our multi-credentialed approach.

Certificate Level Curriculum Completion Requirement Scenarios Completion Requirement
MCSI Vulnerability and Exploitation Learner Level 1 0% 0%
MCSI Novice Vulnerability and Exploitation Practitioner Level 2 20% 0%
MCSI Vulnerability and Exploitation Practitioner Level 3 50% 25%
MCSI Senior Vulnerability and Exploitation Practitioner Level 4 70% 50%
MCSI Certified Principal Vulnerability and Exploitation Practitioner Level 5 80% 100%
MCSI Certified Expert Vulnerability and Exploitation Practitioner Level 6 95% 100%

In a single course, MCSI offers multiple industry certifications. You will save time and money with us because you will receive several accredited levels of competencies with a single purchase rather than having to buy multiple courses. Our goal is to provide you with a course that will take you from beginner to expert.

Career Pathways

This certification aligns with the following career pathways:

Certifications are important tools to validate your skills and knowledge. They can provide you with the credentials you need to get ahead in your career.

There are many reasons why a person should select certifications that teach practical skills over an open-book theory exam. Hands-on experience is crucial in many industries, and theory exams cannot replace the real-world application of skills. Furthermore, practical skills are often more marketable than theoretical knowledge, and can help a person secure a job in their desired field. Finally, practical skills can provide a foundation for further learning, while theory exams may only teach limited information. In conclusion, selecting a certification that teaches practical skills is the best way to ensure success in today's competitive job market.

Sample Exercises

Below are three (3) exercises from the 100+ exercises available in MVRE - Vulnerability Researcher and Exploitation Specialist certification:

Reverse engineer A Network Service And Identify Its Network Capabilities (Novice)


Take A Userland Exploit From Metasploit That Works On Windows 7 And Make It Work On Windows 10 (Advanced Beginner)


Write An N-Day Exploit For A Google Chrome Vulnerability (Competent)


Our Instructors

Student exercises are reviewed and graded by multiple instructors. This one-of-a-kind approach allows you to get highly personalized input from a number of successful professionals.

MCSI's teachers bring real-world experience and knowledge to the classroom, ensuring that students have the skills they need to excel in the field of information security. Due to their extensive experience in penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, reverse engineering, incident response, digital forensics, and exploit development, students will understand the most up-to-date defensive and offensive cybersecurity strategies and procedures.

Our instructors are passionate about information security and are always looking to further their own knowledge. Students who attend an MCSI course can be confident that they are learning from some of the best in the business. They can adapt their teaching approaches to match the demands of any student, regardless of their degree of expertise.

The MCSI team strives to provide the most comprehensive and up-to-date cybersecurity training available. Whether you are a seasoned security professional or new to the field, MCSI has a course that will meet your needs.

Receive personalized feedback from cybersecurity experts:

  • Overcome challenges and hurdles preventing you from advancing your skills
  • Receive guidance on how to focus your training efforts and avoid wasting time
  • Learn how to meet the industry's quality standards and produce high-quality work
  • When you're stuck, go to a support forum or ask inquiries to the instructors right on the platform

Help and Support

24/7 Discord Community

If you're looking for additional support during your studies, consider joining our Discord server. Our community of fellow students and instructors is always available to provide help and answer any questions you may have.

Personalized Support

Your submissions will be reviewed by MCSI instructors, who will provide you with personalized feedback. This input is critical since it can assist you in identifying the areas where you need to enhance your skills. The instructor's feedback will also tell you how well you did an exercise and what you can do to improve your performance even further.

Click here to see an example of personalized feedback.

Our personalized support will take your skills to the next level. Read what a student says about it:

Quick Questions

If you have any questions or need clarification on any of the exercises, MCSI offers a Quick Questions section on each exercise where you can ask for help. This is a great resource to use if you need assistance. This feature is only available for paid courses.

Actively Maintained Course

This course is actively maintained to ensure that it is current and error-free. We want to ensure that you have the best possible experience while taking this course, which includes having access to accurate and current information. This course is also tested for flaws on a regular basis, so you can be sure you're getting a high-quality product.

This course is constantly updated with the support of trustworthy industry peers to ensure that students are acquiring the most up-to-date information and skills. This dedication to staying ahead of the curve is what distinguishes this course as one of the greatest in the market.


Training Laptop Requirement

This course can be completed on a standard training laptop. To ensure you have the necessary hardware to complete the course, your machine should meet the following specifications:

  • 64-bit Intel i5/i7 2.0+ GHz processor or equivalent
  • 8GB of RAM
  • Ability to run at least (1) virtual machine using Virtual Box, or an equivalent virtualization software
  • Windows 10 or later, macOS 10 or later, or Linux
  • Local administrator privileges
Do you support older operating systems?

Yes. Many of the exercises can be completed on older OS versions. A few of our students are successfully using older equipment to learn cyber security.

Proficiency in the English language

You must have the ability to comfortably read and understand IT documentation written in English. Ideally, they have an IELTS score of 6.5 with no band less than 6 (or equivalent).

Note: You can register for this course without having undertaken an English test.

Prerequisite Experience

We recommend at least three (3) years of hands-on experience delivering penetration testing engagements in the field. OR Knowledge and hands-on experience in low-level x86-64 programming and operating systems internals, particularly Windows internals.

Prerequisite Mindset

Vulnerability research and exploitation requires time, dedication and persistence. We recommend that only highly-motivated students undertake this advanced course.

Prerequisite Knowledge

  • Knowledge of Windows Internals (e.g. processes, services, DLLs, privilege levels etc.)
  • Knowledge of x86-64 Assembly and low-level debugging tools and techniques
  • Knowledge of computer networking concepts and protocols, and network security methodologies
  • Knowledge of cyber attack stages (e.g., reconnaissance, scanning, enumeration, gaining access, escalation of privileges, maintaining access, network exploitation, covering tracks)
  • Knowledge of attack methods and techniques (DDoS, brute force, spoofing, etc.)
  • Knowledge of Internet and routing protocols
  • Knowledge of Internet network addressing (IP addresses, classless inter-domain routing, TCP/UDP port numbering)
  • Knowledge of scripting languages
  • Knowledge of strategies and tools for target research
  • Knowledge of the basic structure, architecture, and design of modern applications
  • Knowledge of the basic structure, architecture, and design of modern communication networks

Prerequisite Skills

  • Skills in searching for, identifying, and using online resources
  • Skills in writing programs in C/C++ and Python
  • Skills in installing software in virtual machines
  • Skills in technical writing
  • Skills in writing about facts and ideas in a clear, convincing, and organized manner
  • Skills in using command line utilities and tools
  • Skills in troubleshooting and resolving software errors
  • Skills in using a disassembler and debugger

Lab Environment

This course teaches you how to setup and configure your own cybersecurity lab.

There are numerous advantages to creating your own cybersecurity lab rather than paying for one. The cost savings are perhaps the most evident benefit. When compared to the expense of licensing a pre-built lab, creating your own lab can save you thousands of dollars. You also have the option of customizing the lab environment to meet your specific requirements. You can, for example, select the hardware and software that will be used in your lab.

Another advantage of setting up your own cybersecurity lab is that it allows you to learn new skills. Building a lab from the ground up necessitates knowledge of networking, system administration, and other technical subjects. This experience is invaluable in your career as a cybersecurity professional.

We frequently see students who can complete a task in a pre-built lab but cannot complete the same task at work. This is because these labs are meant to lessen work complexity, thereby creating an illusion of personal capabilities. It's also worth noting that you'll be expected to set up your own lab to test tools and techniques in the workplace. Employers may give you the resources to set up virtual computers and networks, but it will be up to you to manage the lab environment and maintain your tools.

Finally, you should know that pre-built labs are not commonly licensed by top cybersecurity professionals. They've realized that setting up a lab is simple, efficient, adaptable, cost-effective, and that it sparks creativity. It also nullifies risk of performing unauthorized actions against systems provisioned by a third-party.

Aptitude Test (Optional)

This is an advanced course. It includes exercises for novices but assumes that they have competent IT skills and a strong understanding of cybersecurity concepts.

Aptitude Test:

If you're not sure if you'll be able to fully enjoy this course, then contact us via email to organize a free aptitude test. This test will determine whether you meet the course's basic baseline criteria. If you've never studied with us before, it will also introduce you to the MCSI Method™.

Easier Courses:

If you are convinced that this course is too difficult for you, then you should start with something easier. We recommend checking out the following courses:

You won't need to complete all of these easier courses in their entirety. Most likely, you already have adequate skills and only need to fine-tune them before taking an advanced course like this one. Choose a route, follow it, enhance your skills, and then return to this course in a few months!

Free Study Materials

We place a major emphasis on teaching practical skills. Our students learn best when they can put what they've learned into practice. In addition, we believe that many significant thoughts and ideas should be publicly accessible to anyone. We believe that knowledge that is already available in the public domain should not be subject to price.

Purchasing a course is a significant investment. It's critical to know what the course entails and what you intend to get out of it. If you're on the fence about whether or not to buy this course, you might want to check out our library for more information. Concepts, terminology, and essential principles are all taught in our library. This will give you more details about the topics that will be addressed in the course.

🔥 Click here to read more articles from our online library.

Why MCSI's Vulnerability Researcher and Exploitation Certification is World Class

why MCSI certifications

Comprehensive, Effective, Exceeds Standards

Holders of the MVRE Certification have completed 100 practical online exercises, demonstrating their ability to perform software fuzzing, triaging, bypassing mitigations, weaponization, patching diffing, taint analysis, and identifying zero-day vulnerabilities in browsers, desktop applications, network services, smartphone applications, and embedded systems.

why MCSI certifications

Internals Focused

Students who have earned this certification have proved that they have a thorough understanding of the internals of the Windows operating system and are capable of evading exploit mitigations in Windows versions ranging from XP to 10.

why MCSI certifications

Zero-Day Level

Students who have achieved the MVRE have proved their ability to detect and exploit zero-day vulnerabilities on a variety of platforms and software types.

Enrollment and Fees



Terms and Conditions

  • No discounts
  • No refunds
  • No transfers
  • No renewal fees
  • No hidden fees
  • No time limits
  • Exercises must be completed on MCSI's Online Learning Platform
  • You'll also be charged GST if you live in Australia

Cooling-Off Policy

Received a full refund if you changed your mind about a purchase within 24 hours. No questions asked. Read the full details here.

Don't Buy This Course

Don't buy this course if you think learning cyber security is simple, that it will only take a few hours, that remembering a few concepts from videos and books would be enough, or, that you should be provided with walkthroughs and solutions to practical problems instead of thinking critically for yourself.

Our competitors are misleading you by claiming that their video courses and open-book theoretical certificates will teach you everything you need to know about cyber security. We recommend that you stay away from our courses until you've realized that cybersecurity requires hundreds of hours of training against difficult challenges under the watchful eye of experts encouraging you to improve your weaknesses. Only then will you understand the value of this course and the benefits that the MCSI Method™ can bring to your career. We only want satisfied customers.

When purchasing a course, you acknowledge that you understand and agree with our 100% practical MCSI Method™: no solutions, no walkthroughs, and you're expected to use critical thinking and research to solve the exercises. If you're not sure how this work, try our free version before buying.

How does MCSI Compare?

If you are looking for a certification that will give you an edge in the job market, look no further than MCSI certifications. Thanks to our innovative approach, cybersecurity training is more affordable and effective than traditional methods.

MCSI Certifications Traditional Vendors Industry Conferences Conference Workshop Cybersecurity Bootcamps Cyber Ranges
Cost $450 $5,000+ $900+ $4,000+ $10,000+ $3,000+
Hours of training 600+ hours 40-48 10+ 16-40 450 40-100
Certifications 5 1 0 0 1 0
Online Yes Some No No No Yes
practical 100% 50% 0% 50% 50% 100%
Maintenance Level High Low Low Low Low Low
free trial Yes No No No No No
Access to instructors Yes Some No Yes Yes Some

Our pricing is more affordable than our competitors because we have reinvented how cyber training is done online. Our innovative Online Learning Platform is highly effective at teaching cyber security. The platform provides a more engaging and interactive learning experience than traditional methods, which helps students learn and retain skills better. Try the free version and see for yourself.

Enroll now with lifetime access for $450

Bloom's Taxonomy

Bloom's Taxonomy is a system for categorizing distinct stages of intellectual growth. It is used in education to assist students comprehend and learn material more effectively. MCSI teaches students how to apply, analyze, evaluate, and create at the highest levels of the taxonomy. The majority of our competitors are simply concerned with getting you to remember concepts.

The intellectual developments outlined in Bloom's Taxonomy are directly tied to your capacity to advance in your cyber security career. Employers look for people who can solve challenges that are worth paying for. With us, you'll learn practical skills that are in demand and applicable to a wide range of cyber occupations.

Industry Recognized Skills

MCSI credentials are well-respected around the world, and organisations searching for people with real cyber security abilities seek them out. Obtaining an MCSI certification verifies your understanding of critical cyber security topics as well as your ability to provide real-world results.

The ability of MCSI's training programme to give students with real-world, hands-on experience is unrivalled. Students must conduct their own research and develop their own answers in order to complete our practical exercises, which are meant to give them the skills they need to be successful in the field.

With MCSI, you will build a comprehensive cybersecurity portfolio of your skills as you complete exercises. This portfolio is a powerful tool for displaying your cybersecurity knowledge and abilities. A portfolio, as opposed to typical resumes and paper-based credentials, presents a more thorough summary of your skills and accomplishments.

Students Feedback

Here's what students say about the MCSI Method™ and our Online Learning Platform:

Student Testimonials

Information Security Professionals made a median salary of $103,590 in 2020. Cybersecurity roles are regularly ranked #1 jobs in the United States.

If you are looking to increase your earning potential, this course will put you on track for jobs that offer a salary of $75,000 to $150,000 per year. Why spend tens of thousands of dollars on degrees or theoretical certifications when you can develop in-demand practical skills in a shorter amount of time?

Enroll now with lifetime access for $450

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the MCSI Method™?

Common Questions

  • Are solutions included in certifications and bundles?
    • No. Our method of teaching cyber security consists of challenging you with real-world problem statements that you're expected to research and solve by doing your own research. This is how you'll be expected to work in the field. When you fail an exercise, we provide you with constructive feedback to improve and try again.
  • Do bundles, training content, or certificates ever expire? Am I expected to buy again in the future?
    • Upon purchase, bundles and certificates are permanently unlocked with no recurring or ongoing fees.
  • Do I need to buy the training and the certification separately?
    • No. The price provided covers both. You only pay once.
  • Do you offer any special offers and discounts?
    • We understand that many of our customers may be looking for discounts, and we would love to be able to offer them. However, we do not provide discounts because we believe that our prices are fair and reasonable. We work hard to keep our prices low, and we feel that discounts would be unfair to our other customers. We hope you understand.
  • If I can't solve the exercise where do I go for help?
  • Who reviews and marks exercises?
    • Trained cyber security instructors that work for Mossé Cyber Security Institute.
    • MCSI instructors are highly qualified and experienced professionals who are able to teach a variety of topics related to information security. They have the ability to tailor their teaching methods to meet the needs of each student, regardless of their experience level. In addition, they are always up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in information security, which enables them to provide students with the most relevant and current information.
  • We can't pay via credit card. Can you raise an invoice for wire payment instead?
    • Yes. Send us the list of bundles and certifications you want to purchase at [email protected]
  • Can I access a trial/demo the certification programmes prior to enrolling?
    • We provide a free curriculum with 100+ hours practical exercises you can try.
    • The Free Curriculum teaches Security Tools, Penetration Testing, Red Teaming, Threat Hunting, Cyber Defence, GRC and Windows Internals.
    • Try the Free Curriculum
  • Do you provide Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits?
    • Yes. Every single exercise offers CPE credits. The number of credits earned depends on the difficulty of the exercise completed. Below are the CPE Credits achieve for an exercise in each difficulty:
    • Novice exercises = 1 CPE credits
    • Advanced Beginner exercises = 2 CPE credits
    • Competent exercises = 5 CPE credits
  • Do I need to complete an exam to receive MCSI Certification?
    • No. MCSI Certifications are completed by solving practical cybersecurity exercises.
  • Do I need to purchase cybersecurity tools or subscriptions?
    • No. Only free or trial versions are used in our exercises. You do not require making any purchases.

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